This Halloween, Protect Yourself from Spooky Spirits – and Higher Energy Bills

As zombies and ghosts prepare to invade your neighborhood this month, it’s a great time to protect yourself from spooky spirits – and from higher energy bills.

October is National Energy Awareness Month, and Tampa Electric wants to remind our customers that with a little common sense – and maybe a few tricks – you can have the treat of saving a few dollars on your power bill.

Here are a few tips that scream energy-efficiency: 

Customers can see their potential savings by using our phantom energy calculator: visit our site and click on “phantom load.” Tampa Electric offers free online and in-home audits to review other tricks and treats to save money on your power bills. Schedule an in-home audit by calling 813-275-3909.

Tampa Electric has been encouraging sustainability for nearly 40 years. In that time, the company has performed more than 828,000 energy audits that help customers use energy more wisely and become more energy-efficient. Tampa Electric offers 32 programs to help residential and business customers reduce their overall energy usage, and ultimately their energy costs. Learn more about all these programs at and

Tampa Electric, one of Florida’s largest investor-owned electric utilities, serves more than 830,000 customers in West Central Florida. Tampa Electric is a subsidiary of Emera Inc., a geographically diverse energy and services company headquartered in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
